“I worked with Kirsty on several papers which were eventually published in the principal journal in the subfield of sociology I am working in (quantitative sociology of culture). While getting them there was in no way easy, none of the many criticisms coming from the reviewers during many iterations of “revise and resubmit” was related to the quality of English writing. Taking into account that my knowledge of English did not progress much since I graduated from a Soviet secondary school, making what I wrote understandable for international reviewers was Kirsty’s remarkable achievement. Working with Kirsty was both easy and enlightening. It was easy as she excellently grasped intended meanings and edited the text so that these meanings were communicated accurately. It was enlightening as, following her detailed remarks and suggestions, I was (I hope) able to make some progress in academic English myself. Multiple iterations of “revise and resubmit” inevitably created some ambiguity on how to count the volume of editor’s work on the revised versions of the same paper, but Kirsty was always very generous in estimating how much we owe her for editing the revision (which, as scholars from a middle-income country, my co-authors and I very much appreciate). I would without any doubt recommend her help to any non-English speaker who embarks on preparing papers for a top-tier journal in social sciences.”

— Mikhail Sokolov, European University at St Petersburg (Russia)

